Group Interview/Pitch Coaching


Speakers who are on the same page about what and how their message will be shared during a presentation build trust with their audience that this team cares.

The Details

If your team has an important pitch or client interview coming up, we can help. With a mix of coaching on content and delivery skills, you can make your presentation really resonate. 

We’ve worked with various teams preparing for group interviews, from architecture firms interviewing for multimillion-dollar projects to start-up founders pitching for funding, to technical teams presenting at conferences. 

In terms of format, we will start by helping you refine your content to make sure it is cohesive and coherent. In other words, you don’t have too many or competing messages. We can help you improve your opening, transitions, and Q+A. Then we move to delivery, helping you improve everything from body language to managing nerves, to your overall connection to the audience. The effect is a team that shares the space and a single message that makes the audience say, “Yes.”